Personalised Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching Programmes
Balance your body and mind, and get your happy back
The little things you do every day add up to become your life. The basis of Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching is analysing what you do each day to discover your unique path of personalised nutrition and lifestyle to help you reach optimum physical and emotional wellbeing.
I will coach you through the most effective, enjoyable and easy nutritional and lifestyle changes - using evidence based research I can guide you along your quest to naturally improve your wellbeing and help make these changes last for life. Make today the day you start your exciting journey to finding your thriving self.

One-To-One Programmes
We start with a 30 min free discovery call to get to know each other and make sure I have the right set of skills for what you are looking for. Before our initial consultation I will email you a detailed lifestyle and food diary questionnaire which you need to fill in and send back to me at least 48hrs before the consultation.
During the first hour of our initial consultation we go through the questionnaire to get clarification on the different areas discussed and on the goals you want to reach. Then we will complete your food diary and discuss your diet analysis received through specialised nutrition software called Nutritics to understand your current macro and micronutrient food breakdown.
Based on this, I will design personalised recipes and suggestions in line with your goals, including lifestyle suggestions. We then have the second part of the initial consultation where you receive an official report of your diet analysis and you can follow it while I run through it explaining what the most important points are. Then we go through suggestions to see if they suit your personality and lifestyle, we discuss motivation and support and you make the decision on which to follow to reach your goals based on the information and suggestions I provided.
The best results are obtained when you follow the agreed recommendations for the length of each programme as we can identify what barriers you have encountered, if it is possible to go around them, or change/add new recommendations. Also it takes only 3 weeks to break a habit, but it takes 6 weeks of practicing a new habit for it to become established. In my experience though it is very important to have enough time to make the changes necessary to keep practicing the new habits, so you can thrive for life and make the new habits your lifestyle.
My programmes run for 8, 10 or 12 weeks as there are 3 levels of support I offer as follows:
An 8 week programme that gives you the essential tools to start your journey towards renewed energy levels, resilience to stress and getting to your happy place weight wise. What is included:
Initial Coaching Session (120 min broken into two 1 hour appointments)
3 follow ups (initial follow up 60 min and the other two 45 min)
A 10 week programme for mums who are looking for that extra one-to-one support and accountability on their journey to taking control of their bodies and lives.
Initial Consultation (120 min broken into two 1 hour appointments)
4 follow ups (initial follow up 60 min and 3 x 45 min)
15 min check in a week after the initial consultation
A 12 week programme offering the ultimate level of support through weekly sessions to firmly establish new healthy habits aiming for lifelong changes.
Initial Consultation (120 min broken into two 1 hour appointments)
5 follow ups (initial follow up 60 min and 4 x 45 min)
15 min check in every week
At the end of the programme you can choose to continue with different levels of support as you feel needed.
Do take the step today to invest in yourself and put yourself at the top of the list - book a free 20 min consultation by filling your details in the form below!
Book your FREE Health & Lifestyle review now